6 Homeopathic remedies for acute digestive complaints

Homeopathic remedies are chosen based on the specific nature of the digestive symptoms and the person’s overall physical and emotional state.

When it comes to acute digestive complaints, homeopathic remedies are chosen based on the specific nature of the digestive symptoms and the person’s overall physical and emotional state, providing a gentle and holistic approach to relieving acute digestive issues.

6 commonly used remedies for digestive problems:

Sensitivities to some foods, or overindulging can put a strain on your digestion and liver as it tries to process the amount of food or toxins. You might be suffering from a headache, nausea, dry mouth, and irritability or the effects of a stomach bug- viral or bacterial – you may also suffer from symptoms like vomiting, diarrhoea, indigestion, or gas, leaving you feeling unwell and fragile. Homeopathic remedies can help you recover faster, easing these symptoms so you can get off the couch and feel more energised.

Top remedies for digestion are:

1. Nux Vomica. The infamous detox remedy and the main one indicated after overindulging in alcohol, drugs, tobacco, coffee or eating spicy or fatty foods. You may feel cold, angry and impatient and cannot bear noise, smells or touch. You have indigestion, a headache, suffer from violent vomiting and fruitless urging to go to the toilet and are unable to sleep after 3 am. (I successfully took this after overeating sweet treats from a work bake-off recently and had horrendous nausea. After the Nux Vom I could lie down and sleep!)

2. Ipecacuanha. You may be suffering from persistent nausea with stomach cramps, which is not relieved by vomiting. This remedy is useful after overeating mixed or rich foods, ice creams, pastry, sweets, fruits, raisins, (too many mince pies?). You have no thirst and have a cutting pain around the navel.

3. Lycopodium. Feeling full and bloated easily, worse after eating fermentable foods, bread, (pizza), oysters and drinking beer, alcohol and wine. You may have food allergies. You feel very gassy with much belching rising only to the throat, and much noisy flatulence! You feel better in the open air even though you are chilly and want warm drinks. If you need this remedy you may be prone to being bossy and superior!

4. Carbo Vegetablis, especially for after-effects of partying, rich and fatty food and poultry which has gone off, drinking brandy and wine. It helps a hangover with a dull heavy headache and disordered digestion with extreme bloating, loud belching and excessive flatulence, especially in the upper abdomen. You feel weak and your belly so full, yet symptoms improve in fresh air.

5. Arsenicum Album feels worse after tippling, ices and watery fruits and food poisoning, sour beer and cheese, salty fish and meats. You will feel weak with restlessness and have an unquenchable, burning thirst, craving ice-cold water which is vomited immediately. There is vomiting and diarrhoea.

6. Pulsatilla, is useful long after too much rich food, fats- ice cream, cream, butter and cheese, pork and eggs. Onions may disagree and food taste too salty. There is no thirst but a heavy stomach with nausea and heartburn. You may feel emotional or weepy and crave cuddles. It can be helpful before and during the menstrual period if a digestive upset happens at this time.

Dose: Take 1 dose of a remedy in 6c or 30c at 15 minute intervals for 3-4 doses or until symptoms start to improve. Try a different remedy listed if there is no improvement. Remember: You must match the symptom picture of an illness to the symptom picture of a medicine.

Other tips to assist recovery

Drink plenty of water or coconut water to rehydrate and drink chamomile or fennel tea to soothe or ginger/turmeric tea for nausea and to support the liver. Take a Vitamin B complex and Vitamin C to replenish nutrients. Eat a balanced breakfast if you can.

N.B If you are drinking more than 14 units a week of alcohol (‘6 pints of beer or 10 small glasses of lower strength wine’- NHS) on a regular basis you are at risk of damaging your health.

If you would like to find out more about how I work or are thinking about booking a consultation, please get in touch for a free 20-minute call here: https://janebencehomeopathy.co.uk/free-introductory-call/ I look forward to hearing from you.

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